Jeremy Frisch: “What Do you Think About Totally Shutting Down Overhead Shoulder Development for Baseball or Softball Players?”
Jeremy Frisch founder of Achieve Performance Training, youth athletic development
“What Do you Think About Totally Shutting Down Overhead Shoulder Development for Baseball or Softball Players?”
Here’s some of what will be discussed:
- What do you feel the biggest mistake is when those kids are being trained by strength and conditioning coaches?
- What do you think about something like that, where you’re totally shut down any overhead shoulder development for baseball, softball players?
- When you do an evaluation of a hang, what do you look at? How long if a player is poor in that, versus is good in that? How long can they hang for?
- When you get a kid like that a high school, junior high school on up, what do you do with that kid? Do you have to go back in time, work that out? And how long does that usually take?
- “ had them wrestling or something similar?”
- Are you looking to do some franchising or something like that, to where people can have access to that around?
- Is there a certain formula like maybe the four or five things that you look for that we make sure in one hour that we're getting done?
- Where can people find more about you? And so that's number one. And two, are there anything new? Any kind of projects you're working on right now?
- Any other parting thoughts before we go?
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