Danny Cahill Interview (AreaScouts.com): Area Scouts: The “Carfax Report” for Athletes
Danny Cahill, aka HitDr LLC, hitting instructor out of Connecticut, and Northeast hitting director and regional evaluator for Area Scouts
Area Scouts: The “Carfax Report” for Athletes
Here’s some of what will be discussed:
- Tell me what the difference is in what you're doing on the scouting side...
- Area Scouts: The “Carfax Report” for Athletes
- How long has Area Scouts been online with this program?
- Program will reveal those effective hitting trainers, and most importantly, those ineffective
- Do recruiting coaches get to see a player’s injury report?
- Why you should not be training towards the “number”
- How the best make more frequent swing adjustments...
- What’s real and what’s feel are two totally different things
- What are some of those costs with Area Scouts?
Click short link for transcribed interview in pdf format: https://gohpl.com/3mjbzB7