Perry Husband Effective Velocity: Adjustable Swing Dies Slow, Hanging the Fastball, & How Jacob DeGrom Cut His ERA in Half by Locating This Pitch in This Location

Episode #11

Perry Husband of

“Effective Velocity: Adjustable Swing Dies Slow, Hanging the Fastball, & How Jacob DeGrom Cut His ERA in Half by Locating This Pitch in This Location”

What we cover:

  • What is the biggest mistake you see a lot of hitting coaches make?
  • What are top 5 MLB and college fastpitch softball teams using EV right now?
  • 10,000- or 30,000-foot view of what EV means?
  • The death of the Adjustable Swing, Mike Trout case study
  • Is there such things as a Hanging Fastball?
  • Coaches, do Perry’s little Hitter’s Attention Experiment...
  • What does it look like when Pitchers are Throwing balls into Barrels?
  • Jacob DeGrom Dropping his ERA from 4 to under 2 by Locating this one pitch...

Click short link for transcribed interview in pdf format:


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