Coach Bob Bennett: How To Become Top 5% Of Coaches In 6-Months

Episode #10

I've been doing research on an upcoming project called The Science Of Sticky Coaching.  I did an interview with legendary Coach Bob Bennett (my coach at Fresno State from 2000-2002), and Thomari-Story Harden (founder of Team Avenue Travel Baseball, and an 8-year Los Angeles Dodger Pro), and just thought I'd share it with you.

Sorry, the interview audio may not be the best because we did it in a semi-noisy restaurant over lunch...

Here's a rundown of the questions I asked Thomari and Coach Bennett:

  • What makes Team Avenue different?  Who influenced you?
  • Have you trained others in your coaching system?  Have they replicated your results?
  • What are the biggest mistakes and myths you see in training (coaching) youth athletes?  What are the biggest wastes of time?
  • What are your favorite instruction books or resources on the subject of training (coaching) your youth athletes?  If people had to teach themselves, what would you suggest they use?
  • If you were to train me for four weeks for the Little League World Series and had a million dollars on the line, what would the training look like?  What if I trained for eight weeks?

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