Sport Video Analysis Software: “I don't pretend at all that I'm doing away with, or that I'm automating a real hitting coach; I see it as a second opinion...”
Chaz Henry Interview 2021-10-14
Joey Myers 00:06
Hello and welcome to the Swing Smarter Hitting Training Podcast. This is your host Joey Myers from and with me, I don't know why, Chaz, we haven't done this sooner, but I want to welcome Chaz Henry of Welcome, Chaz.
Chaz Henry 00:21
Thank you, Joey, and the answer is you hadn't asked me.
Joey Myers 00:24
I hadn't asked, I know, and I was like, why don't I have Chaz on? We have great conversations when we do this, and we talked about some really cool new project that we'll talk about on this call here in a little bit.
Joey Myers 00:35
The biggest question I get asked is what kind of video analysis software do you use? I think this is a great episode for those instructors out there. The parents, team coaches, maybe they might use analysis software but this one is going to be more for the instructors and the academy owners.
Joey Myers 00:56
The question I get asked is what video analysis software do you use? Chaz, give us a little bit of a background on
What video analysis software do you use?
Chaz Henry 01:05
I can only speak to one of those, Joey, and that's PowerChalk. What it is, it's kind of a labor of love. It's lasted over a decade, and it started with me getting my golf swing analyzed in Orlando, Florida and I had been crushing balls on the range and thinking I was doing certain things that when I saw it on video i thought you know who's that guy?
Chaz Henry 01:26
You've said before what you feel is not real and that was true, true for me. I went home being more geek than athlete and wrote a telestrator and playing golf with a couple of Cincinnati Reds showed them what I had and by the end of that summer they were all using it, all seven teams.
Chaz Henry 01:46
Obviously the original one that I shared with them was a private site. But I then generalize that into and it's available to anyone
Joey Myers 01:56
What's interesting is, when I was on my own little research trying to find out what video analysis to use, a lot of them were you had to download bulky software onto the computer so it was nice that with this you don't have to download anything, you just go in and you can put the videos in and all that kind of stuff.
Chaz Henry 02:14
Yes, that was the goal. It was really to kind of democratize this to bring it to everyone and I'll be honest with you, I should probably call you Joey Lats, you're probably going to use a bunch, you're going to name and reference a bunch of body parts that I can't pronounce.
Chaz Henry 02:30
To me that's the beauty of this whole thing because we've got people from all angles meeting in the middle here and starting to break down swings and I see things in a very simplistic and you see a lot of the complexities there. I think that's the beauty of it and that was really the goal, it's to get this to everyone.
Joey Myers 02:50
I totally agree. Well first before we even get through the nitty gritty of it, give people a background on where you're at, because they're going to go Chaz Henry, who's this guy? He's got some video analysis software, who is he?
Who is Chaz Henry? What’s his background in?
Chaz Henry 03:05
Didn't he play high school baseball?
Joey Myers 03:07
Right? How many at-bats did he get in the big leagues?
Chaz Henry 03:13
That's the bottom line, I'm a propeller head. I'm an NC State computer science guy, my master's thesis turned into a company that I sold, and I took a run at playing some serious golf and in the process, got really infatuated with video analysis and so that's really my background, I'm coming at it from more than computer science.
Chaz Henry 03:37
I realized very quickly that A, I wasn't going to be a pro golfer and B, that my value in this world, I've always been good at writing software that lets you draw lines, arcs, and circles on things.
Chaz Henry 03:50
One of the things that I see these days, it's not just about what you can see, what you can analyze guys like you who can see even further than I can into the video but what you can communicate, if I can't communicate that to a kid it's kind of lost.
Chaz Henry 04:05
That doesn't matter if I see it, can Johnny see it? Can Sally see it? That's what I have focused on, building a tool that lets people see it.
Joey Myers 04:15
Right. What I also find fascinating about the history of Power Chalk, and we've had this conversation a few times, can you go into that a little bit? You started it and then you sold it and then you ended up back with it again. Can you go into that a little bit?
The fascinating history of Powerchalk and machine learning...
Chaz Henry 04:30
Yes. Like I said, it started off as kind of a side project just to see what I could do because the software they use at the out of school I didn't love so I went home and wrote it being a geek.
Chaz Henry 04:44
Once the Reds and Dodgers, one of them left and took it into the Dodgers. Once they started using it, it was game on, because they had an analyst on every team scrubbing video and got a lot more use out of it, which maybe explains some of the results that we're seeing lately.
Chaz Henry 05:03
What happened is when I built a public site, we had partnership arrangements with little league baseball, with USA diving, with a lot of sports organizations, we got bought by Hong Kong camera company, and long story but we sold a lot of cameras, we were kind of like the poor man's GoPro and, but we also spent too much money, and it kind of went south and it all came back to me.
Chaz Henry 05:30
It was at a pivotal moment in the industry where flash was going away, and some technologies that I use. The other thing that was happening is machine learning, it was starting to work and that's what I minored in at NC State.
Chaz Henry 05:43
I had a minor in machine learning AI, back when it didn't work, and now that it's working, I started implementing some machine learning techniques. If we've got time, I'll get into that.
Joey Myers 05:55
Go into that.
Chaz Henry 05:56
Show you what I'm into.
Joey Myers 06:06
We'll see if we can describe what's happening here for those that are just listening on the podcast.
Chaz Henry 06:11
Yes, so if you see my screen here, what I've got, I've got two batters side by side, and I coached Little League Baseball for about 12 years. I feel like I need to apologize to the kids in the first nine years. I didn't learn most of this till the last three.
Chaz Henry 06:28
What you're able to do is you're able to put two batters side by side or just look at your own footage. I unashamedly borrowed slash stole from Don Slaught, the key framing system.
Chaz Henry 06:42
If you notice here, I've got these two locked together, I can just jump them to load and we can start talking to in this case, Cole, the batter about what's the difference between you and Jose Bautista, we have side by side, let's talk about hand positions, let's talk about being relaxed, where your weight is, let's jump to load. You start to see some immediate differences in the two frames.
Chaz Henry 07:03
What I'm showing, regardless of what speed, whether they were filmed with an iPhone or an Android, I'm able to put two videos side by side and start seeing those differences.
Chaz Henry 07:12
I can just roll my mouse wheel or hit the plus, plus plus, and create frames, I can jump them to toe touch. So again, borrowed from Don Slaught, I took some of these critical key moments in the swing, which to me, toe touch almost says at all.
Chaz Henry 07:29
Again, I won't try to preach to you but that's where I start seeing most of the kids start to go south or take a left turn.
Chaz Henry 07:38
You see right here that Cole has already started to swing the bat and toe touch and Jose has not and it's because I'll grab my tools, one of the other things you can do is you can draw and annotate, and you can voiceover.
Chaz Henry 07:52
Cole is going to take this longer path with his hands, Jose is going to come right across his body, so he's going to take that short path to the ball. If you'll notice, really, he's not swinging his hands. He's moving his torso, which is pulling his hands.
Chaz Henry 08:09
Ted Williams said the hips lead the hands. The difference in the paths that they're taking, is what tells Cole, it tells Cole and his brain, let's start swinging early and it's correct. Because if you're going to take that longer path, you need to start swinging a little early.
Chaz Henry 08:27
That's a little bit of my humble baseball coaching, but also how to use the tool. And again, what I can do is I can bring that to Cole's attention by drawing on top of his video, or like we're doing here, just kind of freeze framing and key moments.
Difference of amateur hitter’s up shoulders at landing versus professional hitter’s down shoulders...
Joey Myers 08:46
What's cool about this, and we've had this talk before, you and I on zoom, talking, I wish that the audience could have been a fly on the wall with it. Just setting this up, just a little bit more of Cole. How old is Cole in this?
Chaz Henry 09:00
Cole is a junior in college now. Cole at this moment is probably about 14.
Joey Myers 09:05
14 and then he's in the left frame and then you got Bautista during one of the all-star homerun derbies in the right frame, obviously, this is what, 5-6-7 years ago or something like that.
Chaz Henry 09:16
This is 2015, yes.
Joey Myers 09:17
2015 Yeah. So, what's interesting about these videos when Chaz was talking about a toe touch. He was talking about that Cole was already starting to swing and for those that are just listening to this, Cole is already starting to bring his barrel off his shoulder and his hands are already starting to drop start going into the zone, and Bautista hasn't yet.
Chaz Henry 09:41
Bautista looks like the MLB logo.
Joey Myers 09:43
It looks like the MLB logo, right. One of the other things that was interesting when we first went over this was the shoulder angle difference between Cole and Bautista and what you see is, you see Cole at an upward angle, almost like he's going to throw a ball far.
Joey Myers 09:58
You see Bautista in a slight downward angle so that front shoulders slightly lower than the back one. As Chaz know and most of you listening know, we do in the catapult loading system spinal engine, one of the things that we want to do with our hitters is make sure that we have a slight downward angle at contact, and part of that is creating some tension in the right places that where we see Bautista having everything all loaded up at toe touch, he's ready to go.
Joey Myers 10:25
He can go at a moment's notice, to be able to swing where Cole, like Chaz was saying, is having to start a swing earlier because as a compensation to that being one of a few things that we could make a little bit better with Cole, but the up-shoulder angle.
Joey Myers 10:42
I thought this was powerful when we saw it, and I love how PowerChalk again, for instructors, Academy owners, to be able to show your hitter. With a video against Bautista or any of the guys now.
Chaz Henry 10:58
Whoever your model is, and if you think about it, one of the really foundational things that come out of this is Cole, by the fact that he started to swing and it could be 50-80 milliseconds, but he's going to make worse decisions, because he doesn't have the added time that Jose has here to evaluate that pitch, he's already started the swing, because again, he's got to go.
Chaz Henry 11:24
They're going to meet the ball at the same place, they're going to meet it off their front foot, or in front of the plate there and Cole has somewhat committed, it's going to be hard for him to check up.
Joey Myers 11:34
That kind of leads us into the new project that you're working on, where you're using your machine learning background and AI, artificial intelligence. Some listeners are going to hear that, they're going to go, oh, my gosh, I don't want to hear it.
What machine learning, aka “Artificial Intelligence” (AI), means to the future of video analysis...
Chaz Henry 11:48
He's running baseball.
Joey Myers 11:49
He's ruining baseball. But I think it's going to be a good thing and at kind of the end of this interview, people have a good idea of why this is good.
Joey Myers 11:58
With machine learning and artificial intelligence. Again, some of that goes back to some of the conversations we've already had, how does that help? You can take these points in time in the swing and how does that help machine learning?
Chaz Henry 12:12
We already had keyframes and those are those key moments. I've deviated from Don Slaught a little bit, and I've got 11 moments when they're named slightly different. What I've done is I've added key points.
Chaz Henry 12:27
By key points, if you're on the zoom side of this, you'll see that I've turned it on for both hitters here. You see exactly where his ankle, his knee, his hip, his ear, his eye is. To my knowledge, the only one who's separated those layers.
Chaz Henry 12:41
I can lay it over top of the video, or I can show just it ...
Joey Myers 12:48
Different points on the body, at the shoulder, at the elbow, at the wrist, at the ankle. We're seeing right now Chaz is taking the video where we see a normal video with all the dots on it, and then he can make it just a bones video, where it just shows the dots connected by lines. It's like a stick figure looks like that's going through this swing.
Chaz Henry 13:07
To your point earlier, Joey, to me, this is viva conversation, I don't pretend that I'm changing the game or changing the way a coach coaches, just give me more data.
Chaz Henry 13:19
I'll give you an example, If I say bone display here, and I say, show me the tip of the bat. By the way, let's also track the bat angle. I say okay to all that. You see the black line that it drew, you see how flat Cole swing is.
Chaz Henry 13:36
Let me do the same thing for Jose, show the tip of the bat and let's go over to track and show me the bat angle. What was previously qualitative, you and I looked and said, well, look, Jose hasn't started to swing. Now it's quantitative.
Chaz Henry 13:50
Cole's bat is almost straight up. It's five degrees with 12 o'clock noon being zero. Jose is exactly 45. So now that's qualitative.
Chaz Henry 14:00
Now with quantitative comes the ability potentially, to have a machine look at this and say, if Cole is at four degrees at toe touch, he's swinging too early. Again, it goes from someone needing to look at this through to a machine being able to say, and this is where I think it goes.
Chaz Henry 14:23
I'm being a little futuristic here, but imagine a camera, and while you're hitting a bucket of golf balls it's telling you, Joey, you were three degrees early on that you opened, and telling you, hey, you hit that one right on the screws.
Chaz Henry 14:37
Imagine hitting a bucket of balls with that kind of biofeedback versus just what you feel. That's where I think this goes and I'll turn this on. What I've done is I have scrubbed, the Dodgers uploaded over 40,000 videos to our site.
Chaz Henry 14:55
I got the privilege of sitting down with some of their coaches and finding out what they look for but also the experience of watching a lot of those videos. I have found what I believe are 10 things they all do.
Chaz Henry 15:08
You got you Craig Counsels of the world, you got your Kevin Youkilis, you get some weird stances, but I believe they all do 10 things. What I've done, I've codified that, and if you notice, I can kind of walk you through.
“What I've done is I've kind of shown how the machine can grade you, can look at these frames and grade you [the swing] ...”
Chaz Henry 15:23
One of them is you coil against your backside without going over it and I believe that's an absolute. What I've done is I've kind of shown how the machine can grade you, can look at these frames and grade you.
Chaz Henry 15:36
If you notice, I didn't grade it 100 to zero, I graded it green, yellow, or red. The machine said, hey, I looked at Cole here and he's green, he has coiled against this backside without going over it.
Chaz Henry 15:48
Now I'll go to the next key frame which is load. I'm kind of between load and toe touch here. I'll say, did he gain ground? Now, having said that, we get into a whole other debate, right? You see a kicker? Is he a Strider? Or is he an Albert Pujols heel down guy? Because I don't want to judge him against the wrong model, and I believe there's more than one legitimate model.
Chaz Henry 16:12
Having judged him as a kicker, then did he gain ground? Can he translate that linear movement into rotational movement? And on that, he gets a yellow, he gains a little ground, then he strides more than 50% of his height when he did his kick? The answer's no, we got a red on that.
Chaz Henry 16:30
Again, I won't go through them all. But that's what the machine learning is attempting to do.
Joey Myers 16:37
People must understand that Chaz was talking about 40,000 swings uploaded into a system. What that machine is doing is the more of those images and again, correct me if I'm wrong Chaz, but the more of those images at those different points or video, the better the machine learning gets.
Chaz Henry 16:56
That's correct if they're labeled. If they're labeled.
Chaz Henry 16:59
Where we're at with machine learning. The beauty of it is you don't have to say, hey, the hands are expected to be above or below the shoulders, you just say, here's a good swing, at toe touch, here's what a good swing looks like, and you show it.
Chaz Henry 17:14
Bautista, Mickey Mantle, and Willie Mays and you say let it find the commonality. Because here's a bunch of good guys at toe touch. Here's some guys who are bad who have gone south by a toe touch, and you let it then find the commonalities.
Joey Myers 17:31
Right and here's the power of this. Chaz alluded to it on the golf swing and having a camera do capture, and then compare using the machine learning to a good golfer and spitting out that biofeedback.
Joey Myers 17:47
The other thing is, I like that green, yellow, red. I do search engine optimization on my site, there's a plugin called Yoast. And Yoast will give you a green, yellow, or red light, based on certain factors of SEO.
Joey Myers 18:03
If it's red, then you go in and you fix it, and you make it green and that's the whole purpose of that widget or whatever, is to help you do better at SEO on your site. This would be for SEO for your swing.
Joey Myers 18:16
You would get a video, a parent would film a video, record it, put it through Chaz' system and this is the new project that we're talking about. That machine learning would give you based on Chaz' 10 criteria, or other criteria, it would give you these green, yellow and red lights.
Joey Myers 18:40
A parent can go right in and say, Okay, well this area, let's fix all the reds. Then when you get all the Reds turn to green, or yellow or whatever, then start fixing on the yellows. This is not something that people have right now.
Chaz Henry 18:56
Exactly, and I'd like to get your comments on this too. I'm wrestling with a couple elements of it because I really hope to get it in production soon. Certainly, by spring training of next year, but I'm neck deep in it.
Chaz Henry 19:09
I believe that you stop at the point where they've got a red or two, because as a kinetic chain, it does mean no good to talk about whether you rolled wrist or not, if you're swinging the bat way too early.
Chaz Henry 19:25
I believe this makes it more of a system where someone could literally use it as a coach by, like you said go in and fix the red. But let's fix it before we move on. Let's get that elbow in a little bit more or let's get that elbow up higher.
Chaz Henry 19:41
If you notice the frame I'm stuck on right here, Cole is pulling with both hands. He's got the back arm out in front of the bat, just as the front arm is. Until we fix some of those things, it really is irrelevant to look at 7-8-9.
How to objectively take a swing “red” light and turn it “green” ...
Joey Myers 20:01
Example of that is I have typically if I have a hitter that's stepping out, stepping in the bucket typically especially with the younger ones they've been hit a few times with the pitch.
Joey Myers 20:10
Then what we have to do is we can't just fix the stride we can't go to the stride because they got that fear is in the way, so we have to teach them how to turn away from the pitch coming in, bringing the bat down.
Joey Myers 20:22
We have to teach them how to get rid of the fear first and then we correct the stride so that the stride is a compensation because of the fear but then there's another time where I had a girl, I have a girl right now that I've been working with who is a junior in high school, she's stepping out and she's tough and she'll tell you, I don't care if I get hit by the ball, she's not scared of the ball.
Joey Myers 20:43
But then when I slow her down, put her in a power chalk type of software so the swing down and I look and what she's doing is her barrels getting flat at landing and it's getting behind her and almost wrapping behind her head like a bat wrap type situation.
Joey Myers 20:58
Now, it's not the problem of the fear, it's that she's not in an optimal position with the barrel so once we get that barrel to come up and part of it too was, we were getting her to really squeeze her back scapula hard you know keep that and that'll help to bring that barrel back up again.
Joey Myers 21:13
We were doing both barrels, bringing it up into that 45 degree that you were talking about with Bautista and we were getting her to squeeze that back scapula.
Joey Myers 21:22
Once we got that fixed, now she's got rooms because she didn't have room before to get to that inside pitch, she was getting jammed all the time and that was coming to find out after I talked to her because yeah, I'm getting jammed all the time, that's why she's stepping out.
Joey Myers 21:34
Once we fixed where the barrel was in this scap load then we were able to fix her stride and now she is striding perfect, teaching her barrel path and how to get to that inside pitch properly.
Joey Myers 21:47
That's something that would be like a red that we could look at. Like Chaz says, fix the red first and maybe bring it to green. Maybe that's the answer. We don't even have to bring it to yellow, but bring it all the way to green before we move to that next red.
Chaz Henry 22:02
For me that's one of the epiphanies here, I've shared this with coaches through the years and through my coaching years. What I found is a lot of the coaches who had a strong desire to use the tool just didn't have the background and didn't understand that this is a kinetic chain that you can't go fix, only talk about your wrist roll.
Chaz Henry 22:22
No, if I've done three things wrong prior, we got to go back far enough in the chain. I think that's one of the epiphanies here, is to understand that this is a kinetic chain, and there are optimal motions, you will never see a skater do a triple axel with their arms out.
Chaz Henry 22:38
If they don't bring them in, they're not going to spend
Joey Myers 22:40
Yeah, they're not going to be at the Olympic level at least.
Chaz Henry 22:44
I think with that understanding comes a new realization. I had so many parents that spend money on the stealth, the latest stealth bat, as opposed to spending money with Joey Lats and tell me about scap load.
Joey Myers 23:00
Right and then that's fine. I don't mind, my hitters do the same thing. They buy the nice expensive, red, yellow, bright colors and there's nothing wrong with that. But what's really cool with this is that we can make it as objective as possible when it goes to the machine learning, it's looking at 10,000 different photos of the best hitters of like you said the Dodgers or whoever's the best hitter.
Joey Myers 23:24
When you put a hitter or a video through this, it's not like you're getting Joey Lats, my bias on this right? You're getting the machine learning, you're getting that as an objective measure of what's going on and then if you want to show that to a Joey Lats or a Chaz Henry, then you can do that as well.
Joey Myers 23:43
Also, from some of our talks we've talked about that we can mold this into a Joey Lats type of thing where we're looking for catapult loading system markers, we're looking for the down shoulders, we're looking for the pinch, we're looking for different things like that so we can do that as well.
Joey Myers 24:00
But it's all based on the machine learning video. It's not based on my eyeball in my brain and whether I'm making stuff up or I'm not, it's the machine that's doing it.
Chaz Henry 24:10
Exactly. What I would suggest too, not to be too full of myself on the propeller head side. This is an assistant. In no way would you and I have a machine learning AI expert, tell our surgeon what to do.
“I don't pretend at all that I'm doing away with, or that I'm automating a real hitting coach; I see it as a second opinion...”
Chaz Henry 24:28
It tells the surgeon Hey, I counted the white blood cells and here's what I see and have him and then interpret so I don't pretend at all that I'm doing away with I'm automating a real hitting coach, I see it as a second opinion.
Chaz Henry 24:42
More so than that, I see it as a hopefully an introduction to these early players and parents that this is about the kinetic chain, and this is something that you need to tune into. It's not about getting new dry fit and a new bat
Joey Myers 25:00
Chaz Henry 25:01
Although, that's cool.
Joey Myers 25:03
You know the things like hit HitTrax, we call them the expensive calculators or expensive video games, which are so fun but they're expensive and it's not something a parent, unless they got their will to do, can spend 20 to $30,000 to have a HitTrax.
Joey Myers 25:17
Or even if you go to the knob trainers, the Zepp, which isn't around anymore, because they got obliterated in lawsuits, but like blast motion and diamond kinetics, their swing tracker, and those are great too.
Joey Myers 25:29
I've used those, I love using those for swing experiments, and parents that are tracking their kids, the bat speeds and the angles, the barrel angle attack angles, and things like that, and that's great.
Joey Myers 25:40
Those things will tell you what the numbers are there. They're a calculator, they'll tell you what those numbers are, but they're not going to tell you how to fix or make better some of those numbers, how to optimize those numbers.
Chaz Henry 25:53
Also, I would argue not necessary, for Cole here that we've been looking at, Cole is casting. It's not even necessary to fix some of those, in the medical world, they call them gross abnormalities.
Chaz Henry 26:08
Let me see you walk down the hall and let me see if you've got asymmetry or a limp or something. A good coach can tell you that, and that's what I'd like to teach the machine to do is find the obvious things, and then we get down to are you breaking three degrees early or late, that's where you start to bring in more data.
Chaz Henry 26:29
Again, I'm trying to promote just a very wide and general understanding of what a good swing looks like.
Joey Myers 26:35
You know what else is interesting, I don't know if we've talked about this, but I know you do a lot of work or help with the PT side, physical therapy, biomechanics, things like that, not just the hitting side, but in walking and running and whatnot.
Joey Myers 26:48
What might also be interesting is if we see in a swing, we see an immobile ankle, maybe in the machine learning on the PT side, there is a healthy ankle and there is a dysfunctional ankle.
Using machine learning to recognize dysfunctional movement like immobile joint and diagnose corrective exercise, so that a hitter moves better...
Joey Myers 27:02
What also would be cool is that we could recommend mobility exercises or stability exercises in the case of the core, that the machine learning could spot that, and they can also prescribe an ankle mobility, that would be kind of interesting too.
Chaz Henry 27:19
That's exactly right, and then the site, it's been a lot of fun because the site has been used for a lot of those things, I got 50-60 registrations in one day and realized that Wake Forest University is now using it to teach human exercise science.
Joey Myers 27:35
I love it.
Chaz Henry 27:37
There's a lot of people with tape all over themselves walking upstairs and running across the soccer field.
Joey Myers 27:44
I love that. The more of those videos and images that it gets, the more that machine learns and knows what a good ankle looks like and what a bad ankle because that's part of our thing, we swing smarter by moving better, you move better, you perform better.
Joey Myers 27:59
If a kid has a bad ankle or bad shoulder or an unstable midsection or core, then they're going to have a hard time getting into some of these optimal movements. They're not going to look like Jose Bautista or any of the other guys, Bellinger, whatnot.
Chaz Henry 28:14
That's why it's important to pick your model too. We talked about different swings and different models. At my point in my career, Tiger Woods was not a good model for me. He was a little too flexible and long. I needed Craig Stadler.
Joey Myers 28:29
Yes, apples to apples, exactly. The end of this, I'll tell people where they can find your stuff but one of my coaches at Fresno State, love the guy, big heart, but my freshman year, I was sitting there with my my buddy that I'd known since the seventh grade, played baseball against and with.
Joey Myers 28:48
We were standing there at the cage watching one of our seniors hit, juniors-seniors, big, tall, lanky six four guy was a frickin masher and he's just smashing in the cage, but he was super wide with his feet, he was like the pool holes model like you would say, where he just picks the heel up and go super wide with his feet, six four.
Joey Myers 29:08
We look like we'd be doing the splits, my buddy and I, because I'm 5'10, five not on a good day, my buddy is like 5'7, 5'8 so we're tiny guys, and our coach turns to us, we call them Ace, was hitting it in the cage, just hitting absolute rockets and lasers.
Joey Myers 29:24
He goes, I want you guys to hit more like Ace. Like what? There's no way that we're going to be able to hit like Ace because we're not six four and be able to go super wide with our feet.
Chaz Henry 29:36
Joey Myers 29:38
Well Chaz, thank you again. I want you to give people where they can find you, where they can go to power chalk obviously and then is there a place, they can go to check out this new AI machine learning stuff?
Where can they go to find Powerchalk obviously, and then is there a place they can go to check out this new AI machine learning stuff?
Chaz Henry 29:52
Yeah, so is the site and I've taken up and I put up an uploader at So again, not fully functional yet, but certainly you can contact me there. I'd love to talk to anybody and everybody about what you're looking for and how this might add value to you.
Joey Myers 30:12
I love that and Chaz, for those of you guys out there, he wants that feedback. Anytime I run into an issue when I'm in PowerChalk, he's quick with me or have somebody respond, and with the new project, he's on top of that thing, so any kind of feedback, please give that because the more feedback the better.
Joey Myers 30:34
I'm sure there'll be repeat stuff that he hears that he's working on. But this is, again, like in a beta phase. I think it's going to be a super powerful thing for parents, parents and team coaches or anybody who wanted to get their kid hitting better.
Chaz Henry 30:48
Well, thanks, Joey, thanks as always.
Joey Myers 30:50
Alright, brother, have a great rest of your week. Thanks for coming on. I'll get everything to you that we were talking about in the beginning.
Chaz Henry 30:57
Alright, thanks for having me.