Balancing Athletics & Academics: Bryan Eisenberg & Walter Beede on Achieving Excellence

Bryan Eisenberg and Walter Beede discuss the importance of trading athletic skills for academic success. Discover practical advice for parents navigating their young athlete's educational and athletic journey.

Here's what we cover in this episode:

  • What are the top-3 kid raising pitfalls parents fall into in middle school and high school in before college and professional ball?
  • The DANGERS lurking in self-comparison from ages 14-18 years old
  • “Getting repetition because through repetition, we're going to gain our retention....
  • “They won a college world series. It was a great moment. But suddenly, everything's winding down. I suddenly realize that journey had concluded...”
  • “I use the term and I've used 40 years where I tell parents the whole objective is to trade athletic ability for academic excellence.”
  • “What's the difference of success levels between your son who just played through college and the one who went pro in the way you treated them and brought them up?”
  • Where to find the book Committed and purchase, and where to find you guys on the socials?

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