Balancing Training Intensity: Nate Headley on Preventing Athlete Burnout

Nate Headley discusses the importance of balancing training intensity to prevent athlete burnout. Learn effective communication strategies to ensure long-term success and well-being.

Here's what we go over in this interview with hitting academy owner, team coach, and one-on-one hitting instructor in Tennessee, Nate Headley (brother to Major Leaguer Chase):

  • “I woke up to my first morning of college with the cops knocking on our door at five o'clock in the morning...”
  • What do you see as the top two mistakes that academy owners make?
  • “I think the toughest conversations I have are the ones with the parents that are so over the top that you have to sit them down and say, hey, look, man, if you don't back off, they're not going to make it.”
  • “I think ultimately that's where you start to lose traction in the development process and building teams and I think that the more you can continue on a daily basis to pick up, if it's one thing a day...”
  • What's your filter? How do you know to follow a guy or two to give it a try, what's your filter for that?
  • “There's so much information available. If you're just paying attention to the game, if you're just paying attention to how they're attacking hitters in front of you, we force all our guys to get out of the dugout, out onto the field when they've got a guy getting loose.”
  • “We can give you all the information you need to be successful, but what you do with it is ultimately all that matters, because the development process is not going to be there.”
  • Where can people find you if they want to reach out, ask you questions, you got a website, social media, any of that?

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