Mental Health in Sports: Dr. Bhrett McCabe on Coaches' Roles and Responsibilities

Sports Performance Psychologist Dr. Bhrett McCabe emphasizes the importance of coaches being prepared to address mental health concerns in athletes. Gain insights into supporting players facing serious challenges.

In this interview with clinical Sports Performance Psychologist, Dr. Bhrett McCabe, we go over:

  • What are the top two mistakes that athletes make when it comes to dealing with those injuries? Psychologically?
  • Dad's saying you need to tough it out. You need to get out there. What's your advice for some of those?
  • What’s your advice on a player that is VERY hard on themself?
  • “To me, the first thing we can do as the coach is never assumed that they're going to be better. I think we must assume that they're going to struggle.”
  • What do you, and it leads into some tough talks where, we're talking about suicide rates and things like that. What's your initial analysis?
  • “Every coach strength, coach hitting coach, every coach should know what to do. If a player comes to them and says, coach, I just don't think about living anymore.”
  • Where can people find you? Do you have any, so that could be social. That could be the website.  I know we mentioned the beginning any kind of workshops or anything coming up?

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