Addressing Reverse Cervical Curve: Dr. Matthew Scott on Young Athletes' Spinal Health

Chiropractor Dr. Matthew Scott discusses the dangers and causes of reverse cervical curve in young athletes. Learn corrective measures to ensure optimal spinal health and athletic performance.

In this episode I interview one of my former Fresno State teammates, who was a pitcher and is now a Chiropractor.  Here's what we cover:

  • If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice, what would that advice be?
  • What were some of the pain symptoms you experienced in your pitching shoulder in college?
  • The dangers, causes, and how to fix reverse cervical curve in young athletes
  • What is a “Denner roll”? Not sushi?
  • What other things are you seeing in young athletes; besides neck stuff, that we need to look out for?
  • Where can people find you?

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