Boosting Pitching Velocity: Dr. Jocelyn Vartanian on Shoulder Health

Physical Therapist Dr. Jocelyn Vartanian explains how improving shoulder health can increase pitching velocity by 2-4 MPH. Learn techniques to enhance performance and prevent injuries.

In this interview with Physical Therapist Dr. Jocelyn Vartanian in Fresno, CA, we discuss:

  • You've had a huge influx of new clients, athletes... what are you seeing coming in right now?
  • What do you see different in softball, girls coming in with injuries versus the guys? Or is there any difference?
  • What's your advice on the ankle side of things?
  • What top two things would you suggest they do to help with those ankles?
  • On low back stuff, what kind of advice would you give the ladies?
  • What's your advice on shoulder? You mentioned that the boys are the elbow really elbow heavy shoulder...
  • “And your shoulder blade strength starts to pick up, your shoulders start to feel better. You add like 2, 3, 4 miles an hour on your velo like that, but I didn't throw harder”
  • Let people know where they can find you...

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