Injury Prevention in Pitching: Jason Colleran on The Kinetic Arm's Benefits

MAT Specialist Jason Colleran discusses The Kinetic Arm, a tool designed to reduce stress on the elbow and shoulder while guiding the arm into the correct throwing position. Essential insights for injury prevention in pitchers.

In this interview, we discuss the following:

  • Many things that differentiate you from others and it's MAT, explain MAT a little bit...
  • Talk a little bit about some of the things you're seeing out there the pitchers that are coming to you...
  • “I've got one research paper with 3D mathematical models showing you need over 2000 pounds of force, as compression shearing to get even a 1% change in length. And a 1% change in length for, ligaments that's called a grade one strain or sprain.”
  • Is all stretching bad or is there a time and a place for it?
  • What’s your view on weighted ball throwing programs?
  • What’s your view on the force plate metrics some experts are relying on?
  • The Kinetic Arm reduces stress on elbow-shoulder and guides arm into the right positions, is that a fair assessment?
  • And pitchers are using the Kinetic Arm to rehab Tommy John surgery?
  • Is the Kinetic Arm available in youth sizes yet?
  • Where can people find you, Jason?

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