The Kinetic Arm Reduces Stress On Elbow-Shoulder & Guides Arm Into Right Throwing Position
Jason Colleran Interview 2022-04-04
[00:00:00] Joey Myers: Hello, and welcome to the Swing Smarter Hitting Training podcast. It's your host Joey Myers from hitting performance And I have the honor today, I met through Bryan Eisenberg and his son for those of you have listened to play ball kid, Sammy. And I was talking to Bryan the other day and he brought up Jason Colleran's name.
[00:00:21] So I want to leave a mystery cause we're going to go into that. But welcome to the show Jason.
[00:00:25] Jason Colleran: Thank you very much for having me.
[00:00:28] Joey Myers: Jason you all are going to be, you're going to love what we have to talk about today. What Jason must talk about today and at first give a brief background about you, Jason.
[00:00:37] Jason Colleran: Played baseball at least 20 years now. I've been on the training side of it and I'm, won't say the medical side, but I'll consult for medical professional. Having been through the injuries seeing the rehabilitation process and now having to help on the medical side with bridging the gap with the technology and the training.
[00:00:54] So I opened Elite Edge Training center started a sports performance center and kind of muscle lab in 2011. And then two years ago we launched the kinetic arm. So having the skill set with all the manual muscle tests. The neuromuscular system and learning about external forces or, resistance mechanics, I thought I've seen how the surgical outcomes are, how the training programs are.
[00:01:15] So just follow the science and gathered data and was able to design an external muscular system that we can now offload stress from the throwing arm and keep the elbow and shoulder healthy.
[00:01:26] Joey Myers: Love that and so we had to talk before this just getting to know each other. We haven't, we hadn't been connected until Bryan said it and I reached out and a lot of people familiar with strength, conditioning out there.
[00:01:36] A lot of people have performance gyms and things like that. But there's one thing that now one of, probably many things that differentiate you from others and it's MAT, explain MAT a little bit.
Many things that differentiate you from others and it's MAT, explain MAT a little bit...
[00:01:48] Jason Colleran: With muscle activation techniques it's a very precise form of neuromuscular testing. People are more concerned with how bright the bulb is, and they don't know if the switch works, which is they're more concerned with, let's say velocity or [00:02:00] maxing out on a lift, but you don't know if everything's functioning as well as it can.
[00:02:04] Look at, tightness is secondary to weakness. We must remember that muscles tighten up for a reason. We identified the cause of the problem versus just treating the symptom, which in baseball, we've got all of these arm care programs. And we've got all these experts, but we've got to step back and think maybe we need to go back further down the chain and understand that with the best arm care problem in the world, if there's dysfunction at the foot, the hip, the trunk, it doesn't matter how strong your arm is.
[00:02:27] You're still going to have problems.
[00:02:29] Joey Myers: Yeah, we just, one of my hitters, he's a growing kid, his brother. He's a, what is he a sophomore now in high school? He's taller than me now. And he's got an older brother who's playing, he's a red shirt, freshmen playing at Fresno state catcher. It's a good, great family.
[00:02:45] And he just I don't know exactly what the diagnosis was, but I saw the x-ray and it had the. Right here at the elbow. He had broken, fractured something. And part of it was part of his growing pains, part of it, as a catcher. He's still in second, most on the field. And then another part, I guess I just got another piece of information.
[00:03:03] He just had surgery last Friday to fix it. And I guess it's a six-week recovery, and then he's going to have another six weeks of PT or whatever. It's three months total and his brother went through the same thing apparently. But I guess he slid back into the bag at one point straightened out. And I think that was the, he was having issues already.
[00:03:20] And I think that was just the straw that broke the camel's back. But talk a little bit about some of the things you're seeing out there the pitchers that are coming to you or just the athletes that are coming to you. I would just say pitchers because that's what we're talking about today and what kind of injuries.
Talk a little bit about some of the things you're seeing out there the pitchers that are coming to you...
[00:03:31] Jason Colleran: A lot of things that I don't want to say going wrong in the industry, but the big obsession with mobility. A lot of these hip stretches, we're seeing some torn hip labrums. People must remember that know range of motion doesn't really matter. They should think more...
[00:03:45] What is the active range of controls? That's where the muscle testing comes into place. Just because we force a limb all the way back. It'd be foolish to expect it to suddenly work there when we can't actively get there on our own. So that's been a big issue, is all these mobility programs and [00:04:00] stretching shuts your muscles down.
[00:04:02] So it's going to decrease your force output, and there's a lot of good data out there. And I can send some studies too. These are things that they just get regurgitated in baseball. And then with a lot of the heavy lifting as, barbells are really not a good training tool.
[00:04:15] We're constantly changing directions that people say, oh, you want a stable core. They will mean still that's the last thing you would want. You'd want an explosive or dynamic core. A lot of these things they're causing problems for the arms, especially like a front squat, like I don't even have that mobility.
[00:04:28] And to get it, you'd have to cut me open, take a chisel and belt sander and get rid of these things called bones that make the joints. But that's something that's not understood in the strength and conditioning world. Especially when you get into the mobility side is that structure dictates function and people have different shape bones or different lengths and different shape joints.
[00:04:44] A lot of the popular programs that are out there, I get kids in here that are injured from those. Whether it's the popular weighted ball program, popular 90 mile per hour or whatever. It's not sustainable. When these kids get these big jumps in velocity from the weighted ball training, all these run and guns.
[00:05:01] That's great. Until, one to two weeks later, they blow out their arm.
[00:05:05] Joey Myers: Yeah. And again, I love how you didn't mention names and we don't have to mention names on here and people can figure it out on their own. They've done the research. They've connected the dots they've been out there.
[00:05:12] And we can go into those in a little bit, in a little bit more depth on a few of those programs, but one of the things, and you understand like all the fascia stuff, and you understand all that. And that's what I love about MAT. I wanted to, and I told you this, I wanted to do that whole certification.
[00:05:27] Go through that. When I was doing my research through Anatomy Trains, Thomas Myers, and I mentioned a couple other names, Dr. Erik Dalton, and dynamic body and all these guys, and they, and I think Dr. Erik Dalton specifically with MAT, and I think he might've had his own program and whatnot. I just got busy doing other things and there's so much research when it comes to marketing and then there's human movement.
[00:05:46] Then there's hitting. And then there's, there's so many things that we could be obsessed about, and I just fell off the wayside. But you mentioned something about fascia and how fascia you, I think you mentioned something about 2000 pounds per square inch to be able to deform it [00:06:00] or to be able to get it to change shape.
[00:06:02] And it's almost near impossible to do that. Can you talk on that a little bit by tendons? I think.
âI've got one research paper with 3D mathematical models showing you need over 2000 pounds of force, as compression shearing to get even a 1% change in length. And a 1% change in length for, ligaments that's called a grade one strain or sprain.â
[00:06:08] Jason Colleran: Yeah, that's the, that's another thing with baseball, if you come across somebody that's talking about fascia a lot, just go the other way. They'd be a lot better served in serving their athletes or clients learning about resistance mechanics.
[00:06:18] So fascia, the collagen fibers that make up fascia have a 2000-pound tensile strength. I've got one research paper with 3D mathematical models showing you need over 2000 pounds of force, as compression shearing to get even a 1% change in length. And a 1% change in length for, ligaments that's called a grade one strain or sprain.
[00:06:39] So that's an injury. We've got to think, and then there's another paper. They pulled with hundreds of pounds of force on an it band for hours and still couldn't even get a 1% change in length. All the stretching and smashing that you're doing, you're really just beating the crap out of your muscle tissue.
[00:06:54] So you got to think if I punch you in the shoulder, are you going to perform better or worse? Probably not bet. Yeah, there's not a human being on earth that's going to be able to exert 2000 pounds of force. And they must look at it almost a there's some good pictures.
[00:07:06] It's like a cheeseburger now you've got these different layers. You've got the skin, which gives some or the hair on the skin, which gets from a sensory input. Then you've got the skin, then you've got the different layers. You get down the bone. You're just beating the crap out of everything senselessly.
[00:07:20] And you could be shutting down your muscles and what we call desensitizing the muscle spindles. They're not going to contract how they should, and that's something we test you are the digital dynamometers. You can see the force output, go down from trying to stretch it out or smashing.
[00:07:33] And then, people say you have a nod in your muscle. It doesn't mean you need to beat on it. That could be a protective mechanism. If you have a fan shape muscle and the bottom part isn't contracting efficiently. The top part tightens up to compensate. The whole industry needs to think back, especially, physical therapists.
[00:07:47] And think, okay. Why is this happening instead of just addressing the symptom?
[00:07:51] Joey Myers: Yeah. And I think that's interesting. You talk about a lot of these programs, baseball is baseball. It just does its own thing. It's been doing its own thing for decades. And a [00:08:00] lot of it is stretching. They're stretching in the beginning.
[00:08:01] In the program I'm at, I'm not a head coach. I'm not going to tell the head coach, the skipper what to do. I'm just doing the hitting thing and I'm doing it part time. But they're stretching like the infielders and thing they do. They're doing the. Or the other Brexit, what is it? The Bretzel, the Bretzel the Brett what's his face pretzel type thing.
[00:08:18] He's an FMS type guy, the Bretzel. They're doing stuff like that right before practice. And you got big guys, small guys, skinny guys, stronger guys, a lot of muscle. And I see that, and I understand. Again, I'm not as in-depth as you, when it comes to the human body biomechanics mat stuff, but I know that the stretching early on is not good is stretching even at the end. Is it even relevant to, for static stretching?
Is all stretching bad or is there a time and a place for it?
[00:08:44] Jason Colleran: It's not completely damn stretching. There is a place for it. It's just not as often as we think. After the activity, yeah, it's probably fine. If it, especially if it has. It gives you some short-term relief, then it's not a bad thing.
[00:08:57] Depending on which stretch you're doing, if you're cranking across here or going this way, causing impingement to muscles that are already fatigued, it's not going to be a good thing. We always say the dosage determines the poison. Obviously if you're holding or forcing a static stretch for a long period of time, don't expect to perform well after that.
[00:09:13] But even as a natural reaction when something starts to cramp up. Because your brain knows if I stretch that until I get to end range, I can shut it down and stop that involuntary contraction from happening.
[00:09:24] Joey Myers: Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. I just want some people to understand that out there on the stretching can be a good thing, but it's, there's certain time there's certain times for it.
[00:09:31] Let's go into the weighted ball stuff. I'm not a big fan of it. I don't really like my players doing weighted balls. I've had some of my hitters do them big, strong guys, sophomores juniors in high school. And these guys can lift 400 pounds and a dead lift and, or more, and they start weighted ball training and they came close.
[00:09:49] Very lucky to be blowing out their elbow or their shoulder or whatever they had to sit on the shelf. It was right before. It was pre-season just before the season, he had enough time to recover from it, but it was two, three [00:10:00] weeks. He had to sit out. Couldn't really throw anything because of the weighted ball stuff.
[00:10:03] So go into that a little bit. I know some, I know the argument is they throw a football, or they throw a water polo ball, or they throw, that kind of thing. So go into that a little bit on the weighted ball thing.
Whatâs your view on weighted ball throwing programs?
[00:10:13] Jason Colleran: And with those arguments that the mechanics are different with a weighted ball it's a tool it's not, that having one, in your baseball bag is going to.
[00:10:21] That's how you're using it. As your forearm flexors get tired. That's the only thing crossing over the medial elbow to protect, the connective tissue there. So UCL, so there's a good study that was done with modus. I think Bernie Darling and Brett Hansen on fatigue in the models. They saw that the more tired your forearm flexors got the higher your elbow stress goes up as far as the Newton meters of force.
[00:10:40] So if we've got more of a force demand, on our forearm flexors they're fatiguing, and then we've got more mass that's going back. Think about if you're sitting in a traffic light and you stomp on the gas, inertia, and object's resistance to change. Your head goes back, but if you had a rolling start, it's not as bad, but it's just a comparison or another analogy is, if I place a five-pound weight on your foot or drop one, so force equals mass times acceleration.
[00:11:05] If a lot of these guys can't keep their arm healthy without a weighted ball, adding a weighted ball to the equation is probably one of the worst things you could do. And I'm not saying there's not a safe way to do it. For me personally. I think the only thing that should be done with a weighted ball would be like this motion, but straight down to the ground, because the elbow is a hinge joint.
[00:11:23] So we have flection and extension. When we go back this way in the form of the ball, we're going back, and the humerus torques forward that's when we get that distraction force or that dynamic valgus. So that's the only thing I would do with one is taken fire straight down into the ground.
[00:11:37] Anatomically we're not violating the structure or function. So yeah, it is going to be stressed on the forearm flexors, but that could be a good stress that we could, transfer over to velocity. That's what I always recommend for people that are forced to use the weighted balls and we have a major spring training pitching coordinator that got them for that reason is because we can offload a significant amount of stress using the kinetic arm if they have [00:12:00] to go through the weighted ball program.
[00:12:01] So you can still get whatever the positive benefits may be. But as far as trying to ramp up the workload with them there, there must be a time for physiological adaptation or basically your body responding to handling that heavier load. If you just start lifting heavier weights all the time and your body's not ready for it, something's probably going to tear.
[00:12:19] So it's, yeah, there's a lot of problems with it, but again, it's a tool if used correctly and only a few ways you could get some benefit from it.
[00:12:26] But I think it's just kind of risk versus reward. Unfortunately, a lot of the coaches and even, the people that think they're experts in, or instructors still don't have the education or understand, the micro progressions needed so that you don't have.
[00:12:39] Joey Myers: Yeah, I agree. I think health and safety must be forefront and priority. We're doing pitch count pitch, count craziness at our little league games, which is fine. Like that's a good thing. But it doesn't that doesn't fix the mechanics if they're wrong or anything like that, it just says you can only pitch 40, 40 pitches or else you can't pitch the next game or whatnot.
[00:12:56] Before we get, I want to really dig into the kinetic arm, but right before we get there, one of the other things out there are the force plates. I think another program really puts pressure on the force plate stuff. Talk a little bit about that. Don't have to talk a ton about it, but just a little bit about what people must be a little bit leery about when it comes to the metrics that we're getting out of that and what that means.
Whatâs your view on the force plate metrics some experts are relying on?
[00:13:16] Jason Colleran: With the force plates, I've been at couple of schools where they've spent, 50, $75,000 on these force places. And with motion capture, I call it the motion capture... it's a superficial assumption at gross motor function, which means you've got all this stuff flying through space.
[00:13:29] And you're just trying to guess at what you think is not working. With a force plate then, when the foot hits the ground. So just walking as an example, it goes from a bag of bones to a rigid lever. You absorb force and then you push off. With a force plate, what it's not telling you that you need to know.
[00:13:48] And I've had several professional and college pitchers in here where they had an issue with foot function, and then they had a lot of problems with their elbow and the shoulder, because they're not getting that ground reaction force. With a force plate, [00:14:00] it's not telling you when that medial arch that would absorb them produce for, so like pronation superannuation, it's just telling you when everything is pushing against the force plate.
[00:14:09] How efficiently it's able to go from a bag of bones to a rigid lever and push off. It's almost had a guy that was at Vanderbilt, throwing a hundred miles an hour. Now he's with the, I think low-A, Braves affiliate, and he's struggling to hit low nineties. He couldn't hold a position or contraction with any of the foot function tests.
[00:14:27] So he's almost standing in the sand pit trying to push off as hard as he can and throw. And wouldn't, he's had a torn lat, he's got all kinds of shoulder issues. It's, not to say it's throwing on ice would be another good example where we completely take away friction and then you're really having to compensate.
[00:14:42] But if you were to stand in sand and try to throw as hard as he could, the back foot is going to be mushy. The arm is going to have to work harder. And not to say that it's not great to have all this information. I always ask people, it's great to have that data now, what are you going to do with it?
[00:14:56] And then say, oh, we pass it off. And I said, stop right there. Why are you collecting it? Because that P that the PT, that you're passing it off to, they don't have an understanding for that. They don't have the skillset to test, all those positions and make sure things are functioning. So yeah, it's interesting when all that stuff gets thrown in the mix.
[00:15:13] And I think that's a big problem with baseball is nobody wants to put in the time to learn how to identify and solve these problems when they can just pick up their phone and learn how to use an app and give you these pretty pictures and images. And this data that, really doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but it makes them look like they know what they're doing, and it builds value in what they're selling. So that's why it's just going to keep continuing.
[00:15:37] Joey Myers: I agree. Totally. And then the baseball side, it's the launch angle game. It's the launch angles. It's the attack angles. It's the ball exit speed. All those numbers and hit tracks is probably the most famous and itâs a, we call it a really expensive calculator. It's fun. It's like a video game, right? It's 15 to 25 K maybe even more now with inflation 30 K.
[00:15:57] But again, what are you going to do with those numbers? Like [00:16:00] what, when you see these numbers, you see the averages, you see all that kind of stuff. How do we increase ball exit speed?
[00:16:04] How do we, how does it decrease? All that kind of stuff. We deal with the same type of thing. Let's get into the kinetic arm, Jason So the kinetic arm, I think the two things after our conversation that I picked up and you can go into a little bit more depth on them is two things that the kinetic arm does.
[00:16:18] Number one, is it reduces stress on the elbow shoulder, reduces stress. It lowers risk for injury. Not saying that it's, you're not going to get injured, but lowers risk for injury. And the other thing is it guides the arms into the right positions? Is that about, right? Or is there something you can add to that?
The Kinetic Arm reduces stress on elbow-shoulder and guides arm into the right positions, is that a fair assessment?
[00:16:33] Jason Colleran: Yeah. It does a lot of different things. We have a muscle in our lower body called the Sartorius that crosses two joints. If you were to lift your knee up and bring your foot to the outside, so rotate your femur internally and then bring it the other way that muscle would shorten.
[00:16:49] So that's the premise on what I made is like an extra muscular system. Across these two joints. When the arm goes back, there's a compressive element going this way. And then it also cuts this lever in half. We're able to offload a lot of stress from the elbow and then it works like an external rotator cuff.
[00:17:06] So the further back your arm goes, especially in the external rotation, it's going to give some assistance in bringing it back into a stronger position. Some people will say won't you build a tolerance to it? No, because if you look at muscle strength on a bell curve, mid-range, it's the strongest than end range it drops off.
[00:17:23] So we're just assisting, the muscular system in its weakest position. And as that's exploding forward all the attention goes to the passive connective tissue. We're just keeping it safe and stable until it gets to a stronger range. And it's not going to throw the ball for you.
[00:17:39] So there's not going to be any atrophy because you still must produce a great amount of force. It also prevents the arm from lagging behind, which would cause a lot of stress on that superior anterior labrum in which is what a slap tear is. We've had a lot of guys rehab using it. We've had a lot of guys throw that had a slap tear and they were able to keep playing.
[00:17:54] But yeah, there's a lot of mechanical benefits to it.
[00:17:56] Joey Myers: Yeah. And you were, you're even saying rehabbing actual Tommy John, you have [00:18:00] pitchers that are rehabbing from Tommy John, and using it, right?
And pitchers are using the Kinetic Arm to rehab Tommy John surgery?
[00:18:03] Jason Colleran: Yeah, we've got a lot of guys. Lance Dobbins is out in Texas. He's been gathering some great data using the motor sensor and drive-line pulse, and he's seeing stress reductions of 20 to 30% consistently.
[00:18:13] Same thing with Javy DeJesus at an Ivy Tech using the pitch AI, same thing we're seeing around 20 to 30% consistent stress reduction. And then in a lot of physical therapy, itâs being used daily because on their return to throw programs, there's a lot of flaws especially in like the ASMI return to throw or if they do throw it this percent or this distance there's a lot of variables that aren't being accounted for.
[00:18:36] So with this, we can progress them back to the full weight of the arm and the ball without just throwing them in there because it's setting them up for failure so we can better condition. The better condition that is, it's going to take more stress off the arm.
[00:18:49] Joey Myers: And what I love about what you've done with all your data and your research is that you've taken three, basically done a science scientific experiment use a scientific method where you have a control, right?
[00:18:59] You haven't thrown without it before they've even used it. You got your control, then you take all your metrics and data when they're using it. When they have the Kinetic Arm on, and then you have maybe six months or a year later or whatever, I don't know what three months after or whatever, but you have them throwing with it after, like not having it on.
[00:19:17] So you have three different data points. Talk a little bit about what your data is coming up with on that.
[00:19:22] Jason Colleran: We use the motor sensor and on a couple of the athletes, we did three different groups. We had the baseline throws with just the motor sensor. And then we had them put the sleeve on and it was all a hundred percent max effort.
[00:19:33] I said, I want you to put as much stress on your arm as you can. And then I thought let's see what happens when we take it off and you throw, so a lot of times what we see is the velocity will go up a couple of miles per hour, but the elbow stress readings are still lower than their baseline throws.
[00:19:48] So we've got a lot of professional pitchers that like it for that reason and some college guys too. They'll wear it while they're warming up or while they're in the bullpen before they come in. So that's, we've got some incredible data showing [00:20:00] again, up to 30% stress reduction consistently. And we posted I think maybe nine or 10 of those videos on our YouTube channel.
[00:20:06] Joey Myers: I'll link to that.
[00:20:09] Jason Colleran: Yeah. And you can watch it pitch by pitch. So that's been great. And then the long-term kind of effect video that we did, that was, I think that was about a year and a half of that athlete using it. It was interesting to go back and see how their current stress readings compared to a year and a half when they first came in and got their baseline readings done.
[00:20:29] So that athlete went from mid-eighties to mid-nineties and then went to a weighted ball program and they, didn't want him using the sleeve. They just want him doing the weighted balls. Blew his arm out had Tommy John gets through his college. The first thing the, a pitching coordinator does is hand him a two-pound ball and tell him that's good for him.
[00:20:45] So that's a whole other interesting conversation. But as far as testing, I thought it would be interesting to make a theoretical model. I made a video with a called a multiaxial theoretical model, which means we've got. This way, and then also this way. I put it on the mannequin, and I'll drop the arm.
[00:21:04] You can see it's, it falls, so there's no tension holding it up. And then I can pull tangential to the axis of where it's attached, and we can see how many foot pounds of force it can offload per degree. I've never seen that done with anything in orthopedics, especially, in the sports.
[00:21:21] So I think just having those data points, it really helps to illustrate the benefits, especially to the medical professionals, because we've got a lot of support from them. The better their surgical outcomes are and the better their rehab protocols are the better it makes them look.
[00:21:34] That's why they really been getting involved lately.
[00:21:36] Joey Myers: Yeah. I love that. And I know a lot of my followers are hitting people, we're talking, throwing, but that's, that seems to be there, but he's got to throw in the game of baseball or softball. Everybody's got to throw and that's always, the thing is we got to safety and.
[00:21:50] Yeah, being safe and healthy. It needs to be like number one priority. And we do the same with our hitters. We make sure that they're not arching their back when they're turning, and we make sure that their head's not going like this or going like [00:22:00] this during their swing. We want to make sure it's safe.
[00:22:02] So their exit speeds are clean and they're not going to be making all those compensations. Now I know right now, you're focusing or you're working on trying to put youth model, get a youth model. So right now, there's no youth model at least available to purchase. You have just the more of the, a what junior high school on up is that about right where it's at and just talk about that and talk about when that youth model, maybe people can expect that because I think that's going to be huge.
[00:22:26] We talked about that. That's yet your bigger group of people.
Is the Kinetic Arm available in youth sizes yet?
[00:22:30] Jason Colleran: Yes, it's going to be exciting to see it on the kids. Biggest reason is because there's going to be issues of growing pains. There's going to be little elbow and little league shoulder, because if you lose ground reaction force or you have Sever's disease or Osgood Schlatter, the arm has to work harder.
[00:22:44] So this is a way we can get them through that period, and they don't have to quit where they normally would have. So right now, the small size fits down to around five, five, a hundred and twenty pounds. The youth. We're waiting on the final prototypes for that now. So hopefully we should be, getting that into production soon and that's going to be a slim fit full sleeve.
[00:23:04] We've got a couple of different designs, but we're, we've got some pretty good data on it, so I'm confident that we're ready, after this next round of sampling. So hopefully in the next couple of months, we'll have that into production and that will also be the adult model.
[00:23:15] That'll be easier to wear in games too, because we have. College and high school athletes that weren't in games right now and just wear a sleeve over it, but this next one is going to be such a slim fit that they can just put it on and go out there to solid color and it'll be, very easy to wear for the full game.
[00:23:30] Joey Myers: Cool. I, that was a couple of the questions that some of the guys had at the high school was, Hey, can I wear this in a game so they can, they just have to have a sleeve over it.
[00:23:38] Jason Colleran: Yeah, pitchers have had a sleeve over it. Position players have left it exposed. We even had a catcher that was wearing it over his Jersey under his catcher's gear.
[00:23:45] I wouldn't recommend it. Just, you never know what the empires are going to assume that it is. But I think it's been questioned one maybe two times and they just said, it's an elbow brace. My PT told me I must wear it. And then yeah, once the empires understand that there's a medical necessity then they don't [00:24:00] really question it.
[00:24:01] Joey Myers: Oh, I love that, man. Now, when you get this youth model, that would be huge because you can get it in. You get it in the challenge to these little league programs, whether it's Cal Ripken or like we're in a league called river park little league. And I couldn't imagine that would be great. Everybody's pitching is wearing them.
[00:24:18] And I think that would really help in the pitch count thing. Again, it's just a, I think it's more of a band-aid. It is what it is. But if there were in the sleep too, then you're taking pressure off the elbow and you're teaching good movements with the kids. Cause they're horrible right now we're talking nine years old and 8, 9, 10-year-old.
[00:24:33] So there's there shot putting going on and all kinds of stuff. Man, I'm excited for that youth model to come out. Let me know and then I'll let my group know. But before, and be respectful of your time, where can people find you, Jason? Website, social media, YouTube, all that good stuff.
Where can people find you, Jason?
[00:24:49] Jason Colleran: On all the social media platforms @ the kinetic arm websites that Connecticut YouTube is the kinetic arm. We've got a lot of good information on there. You can look at the testing we did the data we gathered. It's also a good explanation of shoulder structure and function.
[00:25:03] So check that out. You have a good understanding. When somebody tells you shouldn't work upper traps, no, that's incorrect. It's a great scapular upper rotator. So just give us a good breakdown of structure and function, how what role the muscular system plays.
[00:25:15] And if there's any questions, feel free to shoot them out. I'd love to make more content and, help. The educational side. Definitely.
[00:25:22] Joey Myers: Yeah. I love that. Yeah. And I watched a couple of the videos on your website. You can just go to it's the, just make sure it's to get the real, if you'd get the real deal, but the videos are shot very well.
[00:25:33] The data's presented very easily. It's not. If you don't feel like you're not a big data guy you can understand it for sure. If I can understand it, I'm not a dummy per se when it comes to data, but yeah, it must be dumbed down a little bit, especially when it comes to something like this.
[00:25:45] So go check those out and I'll link to all those in the show notes and all that kind of stuff. Hey, I want to thank you, Jason, for coming on today and hopefully I'm, we've got so much other content that we can talk about, not just the kinetic arm, but we can talk hitting. I'm sure we'll have a part [00:26:00] 2, 3, 4 in the future, but I just want to thank you so much for taking the time today to jump on the swing smarter hitting training podcast.
[00:26:07] Jason Colleran: Awesome. Thank you very much for having me.
[00:26:09] Joey Myers: Yeah. Thanks Jason. Hey, stay on real
[00:26:11] quick. Let me stop the recording.